[ocbug] Warning DKIM Failure BSDCan 2024

Diane Bruce db at db.net
Sun Jun 9 09:53:20 EDT 2024

On Sat, Jun 08, 2024 at 02:58:30PM -0400, Brodey Dover wrote:
> RIP Mike :-(.

I had talked to him during the devsummit and talked to his about his early
retirement and so was very shocked and saddened to hear of his death.

> Brodey
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Jun 5, 2024, at 17:43, Diane Bruce <db at db.net> wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 03:26:21PM -0400, Dante Catalfamo wrote:
> >> Did anyone here go to BSDCan this year? What was your favourite talk?

Now that I've recovered a bit from the shock and the conference
I'd have to say two talks stood out to me as very good. Kirk's talk
on the success of BSD and Katie's talk on POSIX standards. 

db at FreeBSD.org db at db.net http://www.db.net/~db https://ottawa.place/@Dianora

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